Commendation from Prof Fred Lubben regarding developing academic writing of academics 

Below is a report that highlights the quality of my feedback to academics related to analysing their academic papers for publication. I have assisted with several reviews for the accredited African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and technology Education. This is also a service that one provides to assist academic scholars, who are also students:

Dear Andre

I like the layout of the table, particularly for papers that may be improved. If a paper is not salvageable the table may be too elaborate. I noticed that you did not rate the latter aspects. This is usually a problem every reviewer has - the quality of the findings depends on the methodology chosen, the discussion depends on the presentation depth and format of the findings, etc. As a result, the detail of the table is useful for different 'cut-off' points. Some reviewers even say that comment on (and suggestions for improvement of) the discussion has been omitted since the discussion will change majorly if earlier suggestions are implemented.

Your comments in the table are very detailed and relevant, and thus helpful for the author, and for the editor. The fact that you have included additional references is very strong and usually much appreciated.

 I think that some of the comments in the text could have been omitted (the cross references to your table) as the table comments on their own are self-explanatory. The queries in the text (and about the text) are useful for the author. There is not an expectation that you will do an edit of the paper, certainly not at this stage where a number of structural changes are still expected. Your feedback I would rate as one in the highest quality bracket.

In addition, I have the policy that all reviews of the same paper are shared between the reviewers, together with my editorial decision based on these reviews. Therefore, once all reviews for this paper are in (another month or so), you can expect a 'compilation of reviews'. Yes, this feedback to reviewers is intended to provide professional growth, not only for novice reviewers, but for colleagues at all levels of experience.

Once more, I would like to thanks you for the very thoughtful comments.

Best wishes.
